Saturday, October 18, 2008

200th Post!!!

It just seems like it was a few weeks ago when I'd reached 100 posts, and now here I am all the way up to 200.  Holy macaroni, I am quite the talker, huh????  

We had soooooo much fun last night!  We went to see Phil Wickham in concert!!!  Todd was in heaven.  Fee and Meredith Andrews were with him....I really loved Meredith, but Fee was LOUD.  So was Phil, but Fee made my head hurt.  I know, I'm getting old.  Go ahead and make fun.  That's what Todd said, too.  That boy Phil is a spaz.  He reminded me of some little kid that has ADHD.  I don't mean that in a rude way, but I've seen how those kids act; they can't be still for anything.  He was shaking at some points during the show.  He made me tired.  It was a great concert, though.  

Wiley and Phyllis (Papa and Mimi) came over to watch the boys while we went to dinner and to the concert.  It was nice.  We had my current favorite food, Mexican, which is always great.  We ate at La Hacienda.  It was muy delicioso.  I could drink their salsa.  It was all salt and cilantro, mmmmmmm.  I brought the leftovers home for my sweet Mexican boy, Drew.  He LOVES him some chips and salsa.  Okay, enough about food, I am making myself hungry.  

So here it is Saturday, and can I just say that I stayed in bed until 9:30.  My loud mouthed little Jonah woke us all up at 7:30.  They usually get up and shut their doors and turn on cartoons, but not so this morning.  They were all laughing and yelling at 7:30.  I went back to sleep though....for 2 more hours!  It was nice.  I haven't been sleeping well because our mattress stinks.  I really think we need a new one, because I wake up hurting every morning.  It's not right that my whole body aches every morning at 31 years of age.  That screams mattress to me.  
We're having a lazy day.  Todd was going to take the boys horse back riding this morning, but it turns out that it was actually last night.  So, right now they are down on the end of my street selling lemonade with our neighbor Kari.  We're about to have lunch, then we're having dinner at our church tonight.  It's a missions dinner, and Jonah and Noah are singing in a choir for their first time~have no fears, I will post about it.  Well, I have to go and find something to fix us for lunch!  All this talk about food has made me hungry!!!  Oh, and here a couple pics of Phil the hyper boy from last night.  Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    Just came by to invite your to join in a Saturday school blog theme. Stop by today to see what it's about. No pressure, just an option!


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