Monday, September 29, 2008

Time Past

Where does all that time go???  These pictures were taken 2 and 3 years ago...the one of Jonah and Noah was at my dad's house, in the trailer being pulled by his tractor, and I think they must have been 2.  Look how little they are!  The one of Graham and Drew was at the zoo, probably 2 years ago.  Look how young Drew looks!  He has changed so much!  Graham hasn't really changed all that much, at least not in looks.  His hair was in desperate need of a cut in this picture, but other than that, he looks pretty much the same.  I can't believe how much older they are now.  And here I sit, alone with them in school, as I write this.  Which, by the way, if I haven't spoken of it, Jonah and Noah are loving school.  They leave excited every morning, and come home, wanting it to be tomorrow.  You have no idea how much this thrills me.  I told my stepdad back in August, that I wish I could fast forward into October so everyone would be settled in school.  And here it is, almost October.  They're definitely adjusted by now, and loving every single second of it.  I'm shocked at how much Jonah and Noah are learning, Noah's really doing great on all his sight words and sounds.  Jonah is learning just as much, in a different way, but is able to read certain sight words.  I'm so proud of them.

Well, I have to go the doctor's officed now.  I was up all night, not able to breathe very well, so I'm going to see what that's all about.  I hope everyone has a blessed day...I leave you with this verse:

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their request. 1 Peter 3:12

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