Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some Funnies

This blog was originally intended to be something the grands could look at and enjoy hearing funny stories about the kids.  It hasn't really been that, has it?  It's been funny, serious, sad, about the kids, about me, Bible studies, friends, you name it.  So, I thought you would enjoy hearing some cute little sayings that they've said at one time or another.  Some may be recent, some may be old.  See if you can guess who said what, then I'll reveal the answers at the bottom.

"When I grow up I want to be a policeman.  Because I love to speed." (Tonight)

"Hey, Mom, don't Daddy and Bubba put fires out?  If they do, and if that sun is really on fire, they need to go put it out."  (Long ago)

A parent asking, "Do you like your new teacher?  Why?"  A child answering, "Yeah!  Because we get to blow something up!!!"  (Recent)

"Mommy, are you gonna get married again???"  Hmmm, maybe.  KIDDING!!!   (This was recent.)

A child singing the days of the week song..."There's Wednesday and there's Friday, there's Tuesday and there's Sunday and then there's Monday."  (At dinner tonight)

Me asking, "What do you want for Christmas?"  The answer..."Cupcakes".  Seriously.  Two Christmas' ago.

"If there's Santa at Christmas, who comes for Halloween?"  

Me asking, "What do you want for Christmas?"  The answer..."A diver suit."  And mom nearly choked on her drink.  

"Can you put those babies back?"  Long ago.

"Daddy lets me watch COPS with him."  

"What's your last name?", I asked.  The answer..."Lloyd."

"A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y and Z..." A child sang this.  I asked, "Where's the P?"  That same child answered, "running down my leg."

One week later...I'd bought Jonah and Noah some flash cards that were on clearance at Walgreen's.  I opened them up and looked all through them, and could NOT find letter P.  I asked the kids..."WHO TOOK THE P???" Thinking that somebody had pulled a really good prank on me...but the P was nowhere to be found.  That's probably why they were on clearance.  I promise...true story.

And the answers, are in order...

And the last one was me wigging out at the kids...although I'm still not sure if Drew wasn't pulling my leg.  

Hope you enjoyed this...some make me sad because they were so long ago.  I'm actually impressed that I remember some of them.  Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. I think I had them all right. Almost anyway. I did remember some of them when they happened and some of them it just fit! Thanks for making me smile! I love your blog.


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