Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Weekend In Review

We had sooooooooo much fun last night.  We went to one of the most fun birthday parties we've ever been to.  One of our wonderful friends, Jeremy, turns 30 on Monday, and his gorgeous wife planned the best party!  We had amazing food, great laughter, we met new people, and we ended the party with an FBI scavenger hunt.  Yes, I said scavenger hunt.  Amy planned an incredible scavenger hunt, complete with costumes for our "team captain", which of course, turned out to be Todd.  We were the White Collar Group, so he had to dress in a white button down shirt and a tie.  We were given flashlights and a list of things in the neighboorhood to go find.  We did get to drive, since their neighborhood is pretty big.  I was the getaway driver.  Thanks to my ingenius driving, we won first place.  Well, I call it ingenius, they called it wreckless.  The last thing we had to complete on the hunt was to do 30 jumping jacks while singing Happy Birthday, build a pyramid and hold it for 30 seconds, and have one person do 30 pushups.  All on video footage. But it was fun, nonetheless.  

We left the party and went to see Fireproof....which was amazing!!!!!!!!  You have seriously got to make the time to go see it if you didn't make it over this weekend.  Great news about ranked number 3 in the nation last night!!  The critics said that Hollywood was stunned that this movie that came out of nowhere ranked #3!  You could hear people all throughout the movie crying and wasn't sad, but very touching.  We saw the 10:00 show with some friends, Justin and Moni, and would have gone for coffee after, but then we saw that it was midnight.  And they had an early soccer game to get to this morning.  At least we got to sleep in...thank you Phyllis and Wiley for keeping the boys.  We had a blast.  

Tonight we had dinner with Mom and Bill for the first time in 2 weeks, and my kids and Big Daddy were having serious withdrawals.  Todd kept yelling in short bursts, as he watched one of the MANY football games he's watched today.  That's what we're doing now...about to put the boys in bed, watching Alabama beat Georgia.  Sorry Katie.  =(  But yay for Todd!  =)

And speaking of Katie, our neighbors woke us up this morning...ha ha totally kidding Travis and Katie...I was reading.  But Travis thought it would be cool to stick a chisel into his hand.  Not really, but that's what happened.  Nothing serious was wrong, though, thank goodness.   And he's caught up on his shot again for the next 10 years.  I told him that he just wanted to be like Todd, back when he drilled through his hand.  Travis was not amused.  

We had a great weekend, I hope you all did too.  Oh, and when I got to Phyllis and Wiley's house to pick the boys, Jonah wanted to know if I was getting married again.  I do not know why he asked that, but he did.  Go figure.  Enjoy what's left of the weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. I had a wonderful weekend too taking my precious grandsons to a movie at the church and baking cookies and playing games, etc. etc. After the boys left we went to see Fireproof and were glad we took your advice and had our tissues. We saw several of our friends there. I am looking forward to next weekend.


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