I am so excited about tomorrow...we are leaving in the morning for a little getaway trip. We didn't go anywhere all summer, so we're joining Todd's parents in Hot Springs. They invited us to come with them since we didn't go anywhere all summer, and the boys are so excited!!! We are letting the boys stay home tomorrow so we can leave in the morning. We have to run a couple errands first...Graham needs a hair cut, and we have to get deli meat from Lenny's, then we are out of here! We're spending Friday meeting some friends and touring an orphanage, Hillcrest. I thought the boys would enjoy getting to see where all those kids that don't have mommies and daddies live, and I would too. I've never been to one before. We'll do some other things in and around town, then we're spending Saturday on Lake Hamilton. We're renting a ski boat and an intertube, then spending all day out on the lake. I am soooooooo excited!!!
I have a million things to do before then, and here I am typing away on this blog. I just wanted to let you know where I was in case you worried about me not posting over the next 4 days! It's not like me to go that long, and heaven forbid you should worry! =) Whoever introduced me to the world of blogging (ahem TRACY) should be ashamed. I love this blog...it's almost an obsession, and one that I don't think is too bad. My kids love reading it, too, and they think they're famous because their little faces are plastered all over the computer. It can also be considered the new scrapbook. Whatever works, right?
Well, I hope you don't miss my antics too much, rest assured I will write again and post some pictures on Monday. Or Sunday, especially if I'm too wound up to sleep! Love to all, and I hope your weekend is wonderful!
Have a wonderful time!! Let me know how it goes at the orphanage, you know I'll be anxious to hear all about that! Tell Mimi and Papa G we said Hi!