Thursday, August 14, 2008

From the Kindergarten Teacher They Were With Today

Hey! It went great today, but I have a really funny story. (I didn't know if you wanted it on your wall or not, so I'm sending you just a message.) Anyway, when we were putting them down for a nap, Noah asked if he could lay on the carpet next to a girl (Jessica). I didn't think anything about it, I just thought they had become friends, but after a little while I walked over in that direction and him and the little girl were both asleep holding hands. It was so cute! I should have taken a picture. I just wanted to let you know that. Your boys are precious.
See you Monday. Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. And you were worried! ha ha If it will help you to get through this difficult time without all your kids at home, I'll send Audrey over. :)


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