Proverbs 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Last night we went next door to swim and eat with Travis and Katie. Travis was throwing the kids in the pool, and then he started jumping in while holding them. He did that with Jonah, and his floatie came off. Now they both swim, but the floaties are just what I make them use while in the deep end. Anyway, Jonah started to panic, and in the meantime, started going underwater. (We were all right there and there was no chance that anything was going to happen.) Before any of us could do anything, Noah takes off running, saying, "I got him, I got him!" and jumped into the pool. He swam straight to Jonah and proceeded to pull him to safety. How's that for "closer than a brother?" I think that scripture is meant for twins, by the way. Todd and I just looked at each other and shook our heads, thinking how awesome twins are.
I had to share that story, it's one I'll always remember! Love to all!
Last night we went next door to swim and eat with Travis and Katie. Travis was throwing the kids in the pool, and then he started jumping in while holding them. He did that with Jonah, and his floatie came off. Now they both swim, but the floaties are just what I make them use while in the deep end. Anyway, Jonah started to panic, and in the meantime, started going underwater. (We were all right there and there was no chance that anything was going to happen.) Before any of us could do anything, Noah takes off running, saying, "I got him, I got him!" and jumped into the pool. He swam straight to Jonah and proceeded to pull him to safety. How's that for "closer than a brother?" I think that scripture is meant for twins, by the way. Todd and I just looked at each other and shook our heads, thinking how awesome twins are.
I had to share that story, it's one I'll always remember! Love to all!
I am sooooo proud of my boys! I like your new background. The colors are definitely you.