Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

I thought you would enjoy seeing how much Jonah loves his daddy. These pictures were taken last was one of those really nice nights, and we were all hanging around outside, talking to the neighbors, and Todd decided to give his car a bath. Jonah came up to me and asked, "Mom, can I wash my car, too? It's really dirty." To which I could not refuse him. After all, he does EVERYTHING his daddy does. See the proof below.

These other pictures are from yesterday at our neighbor's pool. I think I finally have the delay figured out on my digital camera! Finally, after how many years?!?! This first one is Graham.
This next one is little Jonah being his sweet little carefree self.

This one is of all the boys...I could never get the timing right on my camera with Noah and Drew jumping I just took one of all of them.

AND this last one is what I did while they swam! I actually laid out and read a book. And this book is wonderful, I highly recommend it!
Have I mentioned that I absolutely LOVE summer?? If not, I LOVE SUMMER!!!!! The pool we swim in is in my neighbor's backyard. Travis and Katie Katie (as the boys call her) live right next door and have become wonderful friends to us. Katie is the one who invited me to her church's ladies Bible study, the one I will probably make my new lifelong habit. I hope you enjoy the pics. Love and blessings to all!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all are having a GREAT time this summer! I'm so jealous of the pool! Our country club pool was so damaged in the tornado a few weeks ago they decided not to rebuild it because the new country club will be finished in September...all of us who depend on the CC pool in the summer are like, "hello, summer is OVER in September." Needless to say, we are all very pale around here! :) Happy swimming!


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