Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kung Fu Panda, Anyone?

Since Todd, Graham and Drew are at camp, and lonely old us are stuck at home, I decided to make today a day all about Jonah and Noah. I did whatever they wanted. I even let them talk me into them having something weird (or nothing at all, in Jonah's case) for breakfast. Noah's wasn't too weird, though, he wanted cheese toast. Anyway, I promised them last night that I would take them to buy a toy today. This was after Noah told me last night at Baskin Robbins' that he wanted to go to the store and buy something with his nickel. What day and age are we living in?!?!?! Since WHEN does a nickel buy anything??? I was prepared to lay down the bucks, but all the picked were 2 farm animals each. I was pleasantly surprised.

Anyway, we did what they wanted today. They wanted toys out of the attic, so I let them get the ones they wanted. They wanted to play farm starring Todd and Bob (imagine that), so they occupied themselves for 2 hours. Then, much to my astonishment, they MADE THEIR OWN LUNCH!!!! No I did not ask them to do this, they just surprised me. Even if it was only cheese and crackers, still! They even cleaned up and everything!

After lunch, they wanted to swim, so we did. Even if only for one hour...that's almost not worth slathering sunscreen all over them. But, this was their day, so I went with the flow. We got a surprise visit from Mimi after we came home, so they had fun with her...and Papa, since he came right behind her. They had dinner with us...and I let my 5 year old twins crack open the eggs we had with our breakfast. Am I brave, or what?!?! They did great, though! Graham won't usually let them get in the kitchen, since that's his domain. Thank you, Big Daddy. He'll get over it. Graham, not Big Daddy.

I decided to take them to see Kung Fu Panda after dinner...who can resist when your dad in love can get you tickets for $2? Even if Jonah DID sleep through the majority of the movie. I sure hope he sleeps tonight!!! The movie was great if you have kids (or even if ya don't!) that haven't seen it yet. It was funny...Jack Black played the voiced of Po, the panda. While Jonah was blissfully sleeping, Noah and I watched the dragon warrior defeat the evil one. I could not help but laugh at the panda as he tried to get in shape for his upcoming fight. I was strangely reminded of my husband nearly killing himself last week, in preparation for the physical test he took on Sunday. It was funny, and very ironic. At the end of the movie, Noah was yelling, "Yeah! The panda won!! Mommy, Po won! I knew he could do it!!!" Talk about the gift of encouragement. Everyone laughed at him...there were 3 teenage boys, and another mom with a little girl. Noah really gets into his movies, ya know? Kind of like DrewBear. Speaking of him, he's going to be SO MAD at me that I went to see that without him. That's 2 movies he's missed out on now, Kung Fu Panda, and IronMan. No, we're not mean parents, Graham got to see IronMan at a sleepover. Todd is going to have to take him to see that one next week.

Well, that was our fun and exciting day. It really was. Tomorrow, we're off to work at the church, then we're going to see Jonah and Noah's new love interest, Carly.

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