Monday, June 2, 2008

My Favorite Things

1. Quiet...imagine that with all my boys running around! I'm surrounded by quiet right now.
2. The smell of fresh laundry
3. The sight of freshly folded laundry
4. The little feet I hear running nonstop
5. The sound of the boys talking at night in bed
6. The quiet time Todd and I share after they're in bed...either talking, listening to music, or watching a dvr'd show
7. The feel of my husband's arms around me
8. Todd's hands
9. Todd's hands with grease on them, knowing he'd once again fixed our car
10. Family...any and all
11. Friends you can laugh with, get mad at, get over it with, and cry with
12. Laughing until I cry
13. The sound of the boys' know, belly laughing
14. My dad having a theological discussion with me
15. My mom calling to check on me when her baby is sick
16. Knowing my mom is being well loved and taken care of by her wonderful husband
17. Knowing my dad is being well loved and taken care of by his wonderful wife
18. Hearing my kids' excitement over grandparents coming to visit
19. Telling the kids he was my daddy before he was their pappaw
20. My mother in love calling to sing us Happy Birthday on our birthdays
21. My father in love being a good sport when his birthday dinner got canceled due to our leak, and turning around and buying us dinner
22. My in~loves for raising the man of my dreams, the best friend I could ever have, and the most wonderful, brilliant father any kid could ever ask for. Our hero.
23. My husband when he makes me coffee! You know, because in the Bible it says the man should make coffee. Somewhere in HEBREWS. lol.
24. Catching my kids being nice to one another at random moments
25. Hearing Graham explain to Drew about girls and what they like
26. Seeing Jonah and Noah hold hands because they're best friends
27. Reading the Bible first thing in the morning, while everyone is still fast asleep
28. Laying hands on my sleeping husband and my sleeping children, begging God to continue being gracious to us...especially with our health
29. Being closer to my husband after his surgery because he couldn't leave the house or me
30. Praising God next to my husband, knowing that he is praising that same faithful God
31. Knowing that my sisters love me...even when I'm dumb
32. Giving back to someone who is constantly giving to me
33. Being valued
34. Hearing my husband walk in the back door after a long day
35. The sight of a freshly mowed yard (thank you, honey, you always do a beautiful job!)
36. The smell of rain
37. The lush green~ness of everything after it rained
38. Coffee!!!!!!!
39. The smell of coffee
40. The satisfaction of having a clean house...for 20 minutes, then spotting all the hand prints that are back on the mirror! Like in the boys' bathroom...
41. Swimming!
42. Being tan enough to not worry about makeup...I know, I know, it's bad for me. But I use sunscreen!
43. Having a husband everyone loves
44. The smell of a clean baby
45. Hearing the kids scream, "DADDY!!!!"
46. Hearing the kids argue who loves us most
47. Having Graham hug me, saying, "You're the bestest mom ever." And truly meaning it.
48. Having a bunch of kids under my feet
49. Having the boys' friends over
50. Having the boys' friends saying they don't want to leave

This list is endless, but I'll stop. My Bible study is starting tonight and I have to go get dressed.

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