Saturday, June 28, 2008

Future Firefighter

This is my husband in uniform while volunteering at a local fire department. I love this picture for several reasons, but I like it the most, because while fighting a brush fire, I just so happened to call him. So that's me he's talking to on the phone.

Please pray for my husband. He quit volunteering for the department, but has since decided to go back to school and get his EMT license. Hopefully this fall is when that'll start. He filled out an application for a fire department that is looking for help, and hopefully will hear something within the next week or two. He knew that eventually he would have to pass a very physical test, and thankfully had been working out in preparation for that test, but he found out that test has to be taken in two weeks, much sooner than he thought! He originally thought he would several months to prepare. He's known about it for one week, so all this week he's really stepped it up in the workouts he's been doing. I have to brag on him for a minute, because I am so proud of him, and how far he's come. He began eating healthy this week...I mean Raisin Bran cereal, sandwiches with nothing but some meat and veggies, yogurt, and all water. He has also started jogging/walking. When he started he was only walking. He's gotten up to jogging about a mile and half, maybe more, then walking the last mile. He's also been working out with weights, and doing cardio.

Anyway, here's where the prayer part comes in. Please pray that he will get onto this fire department he's applied to. He really needs to get his foot in the door, and while it's a hike to get to this department, it would not be forever. He has a lot of training under him, but now he needs experience. I know that if it is in God's will for him to be hired, then he will be hired. I just pray that it's in God's will. I guess if he doesn't get hired, God may have something better for him. I love this man and am so happy that he is FINALLY taking some steps in having a career that he's only dreamed about. It's a neat story about how he got started down this path, but I won't go into it right now. Just know that God is good, and faithful to us always. Please pray for him when you read my blog, hopefully that'll serve as a reminder for you.

I love you Todd.


  1. Todd,

    I am pulling and praying for you. I know without a doubt that you can do this. I was overcome with pride as your older brother the day I rode along with you when you were volunteering. I am so happy to know you are following your heart and your dreams. You always have had a big heart. Keep me up to date on how it is going.


  2. I will be praying! What an example he's setting for your four boys...
    Your Siesta


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