Monday, June 23, 2008

Even When We're Worms!

Job 25:2~6
"God is powerful and dreadful. He enforces peace in the heavens. 3 Who is able to count his heavenly army? Doesn't his light shine on all the earth? 4 How can a mortal be innocent before God? Can anyone born of a woman be pure? 5 God is more glorious than the moon; he shines brighter than the stars. 6 In comparison, people are maggots; we mortals are mere worms.

I know that this is not the kind of scripture I would usually post on my blog. But how true is this?!?! God is so good, that He loves us even when we're as lowly as worms! He forgives us for the selfish, childish ways we act (when we get our feelings hurt and lash out), He forgives us for the not so nice things we say, He forgives us for our less than pure intentions.

Our pastor preached a really good sermon last night, about how we as Christians are called to RESTORE, not to rejoice over someone's falling away from Him, not to reveal when someone does something that is not pleasing to Him, not to reject someone because of their sin (for He calls us to LOVE EVERYONE), not to rehearse going over past sins, and not to repeat making the same old mistakes. God is the God of love, and because He first loved us, we should love others. Even those who strike against us.

This scripture spoke to me's just another picture of how much God loves us, imperfect as we are. He will not treat us as we deserve (Job 42:8), but with as much love as He can muster. After all, He created us in His image.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that, Jennifer. What a great SCRIPTURE! I had never read that one before today, I don't think!


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