Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I was blessed enough today, to be able to spend the day praising my God, spending time with family, and being thankful for all that He has given me. My day was a little strange, to tell you the truth, but I feel good about "going with the flow". Except for tonight at my sister's house, I was not with all my kids at the same time today.

Graham's friend is moving to Chicago in a couple weeks, and last night was his birthday sleepover. We let him stay there and miss church this morning, given the circumstances. We ate out after church, then headed back toward home to pick him up. We had to make a quick stop at Target first. While there, we ran into my nephew "Bubba" and niece "KK". Drew, Jonah and Noah wanted to go home with them. Since we were going to their house in a couple hours, I let them. We went and got Graham, then came home and played dominoes and then Phase 10. At which point I BEAT THEM!!!! Of course none of our friends were here to see me actually win. Go figure.

We went to my sis Lisa's house, and cooked out. Then we sat around drinking coffee, eating lemon meringue pie, and talking about weddings. How much fun can a soul have?!?!?! Of course the best part was that I spent my day with all the many people I love. I hope you had a blessed Mom's Day. I know I did.

1 comment:

  1. I did have a very blessed Mother's Day and I thank you for helping make it special. I missed Graham too!


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