Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Being Thankful

I am having a thankful day. I feel like I ask God to do too many things, and I feel like I don't give Him the thanks He deserves. I know that we have prayer requests (who doesn't?!?!), and there are needs within our families, our church, our small groups or Sunday school classes, other people we know of, friends, the list is endless. But God knows all those needs. I'm not saying not to pray for needs, but don't we get a little carried away sometimes?

I had a situation a couple years ago that I was constantly praying about and I sensed the Holy Spirit telling me to "trust Him, that He knew all my needs, that if He cared for the birds of the air, didn't He care that much more for me?" I stopped praying for that need, and instead turned all my fears and doubts into praise, and guess what happened? He answered my need. I put ALL my trust into Him, and just like that, He met the need. He won't do that every time, but He will work it around to the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Isn't God good?

As a mom, I am also trying to instill this virtue into my children, as well. It just gets all over me when I hear kids say they hate school. I don't allow the boys to say that. I explain to them that all over the world, like Africa, for example, that kids do not get to attend school. They have to spend their days working for their families, or walking miles and miles just to bring water to their villages. (No, no one is paying me to plug World Vision, but we heard this at a Casting Crowns concert last week!) I tell them how school is a privilege, and they should be honored that they are fortunate enough to be able to attend. I also think that when parents are positive about school, kids are positive about school. It also helps when you're up at that school almost as much as they are. They see that you're active and involved in all areas of their life, and they appreciate it more.

As a stay at home mom, we go without a lot of luxuries other people have. And I would not have it any other way. We try to teach the boys about money, and that in order for all of them to play two sports, that it costs several hundreds of dollars. We then use the example that while they only get to play one sport each, would they rather play more sports, or would they rather have me home with them? And able to come and read, or work in the health room, or do cafeteria duty at their school? They always answer that they want me home. And luckily, I have a husband who wants me home. That being said, I am very thankful and blessed to get to be the one who raises my children.

I am so thankful for the man I married. And I saved him for last, because he is the best. We have been through a lot together, and while not everything has been peachy keen, we've been blessed to be children of God. Up until last year, we've always been perfectly healthy, and as you know, they discovered Todd had a tumor. Let me tell you, that rocked my world. They were throwing words like tumor, radiation, biopsy and surgery around like crazy. There is nothing quite like a medical situation to get your attention. I think we've taken the value of our lives for granted up until that point, and it is something we will NEVER do again.

I can honestly say that we live each day like it's our last. And, God forbid, something should happen to either one of us tomorrow, I would take comfort in the fact that we would have eternal life, but also in the fact that we'd created such wonderful memories for our children. We may not be wealthy in monetary values, but we are very wealthy in the way of the legacy we've built for our kids. We spend quality time with each one of them, and we have given them values by which we want them to live by. We've also encouraged them in their faith with the Lord. They love going to church, they love hearing Bible stories, and they are all little preachers when it comes to praying. All four of them have been known to ask Jesus to do something, right then and there. Whether it be Mommy's head hurt, or for Him to heal a boo~boo, or for guidance on a test.

Bottom line: I am thankful for all that God has blessed me with. He's given me many many blessings, and I never want to take one for granted. I am thankful that He loves me so much, and that in spite of whatever we face, He is there, and in control. What do you have to be thankful for? Have you taken the time today to reflect on your blessings?

1 comment:

  1. The one thing I needed to hear today is to stop praying, pleading, begging, worrying, fretting, and just start praising. Thanks for the reminder!


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