Friday, April 18, 2008

Down to the last room

Well, I have made it through this week, only by the grace of God. I have been a hermit, and have stayed upstairs except for a few minutes in the morning, and an hour or so at night. It got easier once Drew went back to school, and Jonah and Noah went to Mimi's. That has been a huge help, in not having them here and not having to take care of them. (Thank you so much, Phyllis, I really appreciate you keeping them for me!)

They are almost finished!!! I did have a few moments of self pity this morning, and cried on my mom's shoulder (thanks for listening, and for letting me vent, Mom!), but after that I was better. Sometimes we just need our mommies. :) She has also been taking the kids to school for me in the mornings (again, thank you sooo much!), and 2 afternoons a friend picked them up. They rode bikes yesterday, so I didn't have to worry about getting them. Today my dad will be here to sit with them while I go pick them up. But after today, no more floor people!!! Even though I have come to really like the nice man doing the job, Kenny. He's pretty funny. Doesn't talk much, but has a good sense of humor. Anyway, they will finish the floor today and hopefully on Monday, the painter will be back to do touch ups and to paint and re~install the baseboards. I will never in my life be so excited to clean!!! I cannot wait to have my whole house clean at the same time!

Another piece of good news...for those that don't know, we've been trying to find homes for our guinea pigs, Caramel and Sunday. Graham and Drew really wanted these little things, and actually helped pay for them. But they made all sorts of promises how they would love them, and take great care of them, and all this other jazz. Do you think that happened? Are you kidding me? I was the one who usually handled all that. So, as if I don't have enough breathing beings to take care of, they were a real hassle. My dear and wonderful friend from church, Deb, has graciously agreed to take them off our hands! Thank goodness!!! I had to talk Todd out of driving them over there at 10p.m.! Not really, but he's excited, too! It's really hard to get rid of guinea pigs, did you know that? You can't run an ad in the paper, because people buy them as snake food!!! No matter how much I don't like the little things, I am NOT giving them to someone to use as dinner for their nasty snake. That is so sad. I will kinda miss them, and I'm hoping I don't cry. I get so stinkin' attached to animals, it's ridiculous. It's pretty bad when the boys are excited, but I'm a little sad. Oh well, I'll get over it. It's worth it not to have to take care of them anymore!

Alright, well, I'll go for now. Have a great weekend, and hopefully when you hear from me again, I'll be worker~free in my house!!!


  1. What is the latest and where are the pics?

  2. Hi.....Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, "Walking in Truth". I wanted to answer some of your questions about homeschooling but could not reply to the email that came to me. Please go to my profile page and click on my email link and email me so that I can talk to you directly via email. Wow....that was a long sentence! Sorry.

    You sure have some cute little boys! It looks like they enjoy being out in the snow, too.

    I like your blog.

    God bless you,
    Marilyn in MS


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March Moments

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some favorite moments from this month. Can you believe we're at the end of March ...