Tuesday, March 11, 2008


You cannot imagine my extreme pleasure at the fact that we have three birthdays down, and one to go. Now all I have to do is survive Friday night's sleepover, and all will be well. Turns out, that's also the last day of school, then SPRING BREAK!!! Thank You, Jesus! These boys will be wild, I assure you. Hopefully the new toy will wear them all out.

We got a Wii!!! Graham and Drew were screaming hysterically, and they jumped up and down saying, "thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Drew said that all he wanted was 2 things...a Wii, and digital watch. And he got both. Although his actual birthday is not until April, and this was such an expensive gift, this was for both their birthdays. And I gave him the choice of receiving MOST of his presents now or on his birthday. He chose now. Imagine that. He will have some things to open on his actual birthday, though. Since he's little, it's hard for him just to sit back while his brothers get all sorts of cool things. So, however and whenever he wants to get his gifts, I leave up to him.

I don't know who had more fun with the new toy...Daddy or Graham or Drew. They all played baseball, and while Todd and Drew were playing, every time Drew pitched, he pitched a fastball at 93 miles per hour. Todd got to 85. Hmmm, we may have a future pitcher on our hands.

After all the excitement, we got to empty Graham and Drew's room. Tomorrow while they're at school, my sister and I will be painting and rearranging their room. Oh, joy. How I love to paint. Hear and feel my excitement?!?!?! Not really. I like painting as much as I like visiting the ob. But, whatever it takes to make my boys happy. Actually, this is my Mom's birthday gift to them. They offered to give them a more big boy room, to which they said, "Yes!" I thought it WAS a big boy room, but, they were ready for change. I'm painting the walls blue. It was a color they picked out called, Americana. It will look great with the new bedding and curtains. I have some really cool ideas, but not all of them will get done tomorrow.

O.K., well I'm off to read and unwind and relax before the thoughts of my long tomorrow totally exhaust me. Good night, and happy painting to Trish and me!!! =)

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