Monday, March 31, 2008

New Project

Guess what that is?!?! Our new home improvement project! For the grand price of $500, we're about to get a new floor for the whole downstairs, new walls in the hall and bathroom, possibly a new bathroom sink, and our bathroom updated. Not exactly the way I would go about something like that, but hey, not a bad price! I am actually not sure about all the "new" stuff yet, but we're about to find out. The contractor is on his way over to assess the water damage.

We've had a rippled spot on our hardwood floor for a while now, but we'd assumed the cat had peed there. When they had urinary tract infections, they were peeing in weird places. Come to find out, we've had a slow leak for who knows how long, and there is BLACK MOLD on our hardwood floor and in the wall. Could be why I've been having breathing issues. So, this is what I'll be dealing with today and however long it takes to repair all the damage. I told Todd me and the kids were moving out. I want to go live with my Mommy. Not joking....pray for me to have patience. On the other hand, you'd better not. I prayed that God would give me more patience this weekend, and if this is how He answers that, don't worry about praying for me. My patience level was fine. Ha ha...happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, had a hard time getting the post thing to work on your blog so I hope this appears. That is quite an undertaking at your house. I hope it turns out beautifully. I'm really concerned that we have Black Mold in our basement. My daughter and I have been having some weird allergy-like stuff going on. How do you know if it's Black Mold or not?


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