Friday, March 14, 2008

New Love of Video Games

I have never liked video games. I don't understand people who do like them. I can't even work our PlayStation 2 that we've had for four years. I'm not ashamed of that. I'm just not into games, especially the video kind. I must be honest, though. I played the Wii all by myself this morning. I LOVE IT!!!!! Todd has been begging me to play with him, and I haven't really felt good the past couple nights, so I haven't played until now. All I did was the bowling, and I loved it. It's really fun! I have heard people say how much fun it was, but after all, it's a video game, so I was skeptical. I am now a new fan of our very fun Wii. Just thought I'd share that.

Tonight is Graham's sleepover. I said a special prayer over J.J., the one little boy I'm worried about. They're all really excited about all these boys coming over. Once again, we'll be eating pizza. Blah. I am so sick of pizza. I may just skip dinner and go straight to dessert, which is that YUMMY CHOCOLATE CAKE FROM COSTCO! I think I'll just have that for dinner. Even Drew was craving cake, and he's my meat and potatoes boy. If you've never had that cake, you have not lived. It is so good, it should be considered a major sin to eat it! Yummy!!!

We're coming up on my favorite holiday of all, Easter! I was listening to a c.d. this morning and was moved to tears. I had church in the kitchen. Listening to songs like, He Lives, He's Alive, how can one not get emotional over that?! And our Easter program is this weekend, and the words to the music are beautiful. I have never been this excited over a program. It's not a play, but a dinner~theatre type program, with four dramatic readers. The songs are awesome. It's all very simple, and casual, but the words are what gets me. I love to listen to the words of music. I can't wait to see what God does! I will sing to Him a new song...

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. The words to "The Power of the Cross" get to me more than any of the others. I think that song is awesome. It makes my class I'm taking so much more real.
    I'm glad you tried Wii. I had a feeling you would like it. Now it will be fun to play with your boys and Todd.
    I will be praying for all to go well tonight but I know it will.
    I love you.


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