It's snowing! We had a very enlightening conversation on the way home from taking Graham and Drew to school this morning. Jonah and Noah told me how God made snow. This is what was said:
Jonah: "God had a bucket. He poured water in. He got little white balls and put them in the water. He poured some sugar in, and that's how He made snow."
Noah: "God got some water in a bucket. Then He got some snow and poured it in the water. Then, He, um, He got some stems off some flowers and put those in the water. Then He got some grass and poured it in the water. Then He poured the bucket out, and snow came down. And that's how He did it."
I didn't even have to ask this question. We were just driving and Noah said, "Mom, do you want me to tell you how God made snow?" And off they went. Very active little imaginations! And pretty creative, too!
Well, it's official. Jonah and Noah have grown up. They learned to ride their bikes without training wheels this weekend. I was outside with them last Thursday, and noticed that their training wheels were so bent, half the time, they weren't even using them! So, fast forward to Saturday night (completely dark outside, I might add!), and Todd took the training wheels off. All he had to do for Noah was hold the bike steady while he got on. Then he just took off. Like he'd been doing it forever! He was already turning in circles and everything!
Todd had to work with Jonah a little more, but he got it almost immediately, as well! I cannot believe my babies are so grown up! :( Drew was still 4 when he learned to ride, too, but I swear he was bigger than they are. They look so little to be riding so well! Todd took them on a bike ride Sunday after church, and Jonah came in saying, "Mom, I only had like 3 wrecks!" He was so proud of himself! He had not yet mastered stopping the bike.
We spent on and off all day yesterday outside (it was 70 degrees outside!), and he mastered the turning and stopping. Yesterday was a tease, though, because like you saw from the top of this, it's cold and snowing. Burrr, I am ready for some sunshine and warm weather!!! Love to all! Stay warm!!!
One of Jonah's wrecks was he hit a tree(not hard, but he did hit a tree) another one was that Noah and him got side by side and they wobble a little when they ride. I am so proud of my boys. All of them.