Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to Jonah and Noah!!!

Happy Birthday Jonah and Noah!!! I cannot believe they are 5 years old! I've been dreading this day since they were born. Now that they're 5, they have to go to school. I've had them to myself for 5 amazing years, but now I am forced to share them. I know they are going to LOVE school once that time comes, but my house will be way too quiet. I will think back and wish that I could hear them arguing or laughing somewhere in the house, craving the sound of the little pitter patter of their feet. Alright, I have to stop, I'm making myself cry.

We let them open their presents this morning. They were so precious coming downstairs in their jammies! Graham was waiting with the camera, ready to take a picture! I sang happy birthday to them and hugged them both, all the while answering their one question: "Where are the presents?!?!" I figured I'd never get through the day hearing that the whole time, so they went ahead and opened them. Graham and Drew got them a little something, too, it was so sweet how they all hugged each other and Jonah and Noah thanked Graham and Drew. I am so blessed to have such compassionate children. Everyday, I thank God on the way to school while I'm praying with them, for allowing me to be their Mom. His face truly shined upon me when He gave me these little treasures. I don't ever want to take them for granted.

I remember with fondness the first time they saw each other. I had just delivered them, and they were across the room from me, crying in their separate incubators. This sweet nurse went over and picked Jonah up, got him quiet, and laid him in Noah's incubator. They looked at each other and stopped crying. It was almost as if they were saying, "Oh, so you're the one that's been kicking me for the last nine months!" It was one of the most amazing moments I've ever witnessed. They were all snuggly in their bed, wrapped up and just gazing at each other. They are a miracle to me.

I will wrap up with a funny story. On Saturday we were getting ready to go Nana's and Big Daddy's for the afternoon, and while we were getting dressed, Jonah and Noah decided to wait in the 'burban. Todd didn't know that their presents were in the back of my truck, and let them go out there. When we were getting in, I had to go put something in the back, and noticed that the blanket that had been covering the presents had been tossed aside, and that one of the boxes was partially open. Noah had found all the gifts and had shown everything to Jonah! I will admit that I was upset. I couldn't believe my stupidity in leaving them in the truck, for one thing, but then they'd gone and snooped. My hubby reminded me that they're just little boys, and they're very curious. We ended up laughing about it later.

Anyway, they were getting in the bath at Mom's, and all of a sudden, Jonah says, "man, I want that green monster truck!" Mimi and Papa bought them each remote control monster trucks, and that was what Jonah was referring to. I told him to forget he saw it, and to act surprised when he opened it. With his eyes big and bright, and his dimples showing, he said, "What truck?! I already forgot!" Smarty pants.

I like what the Bible says about friends that are as close as brothers. May they always be as close as Jonathan and David.

1 Samuel 20:42 Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord..."

1 comment:

  1. Please tell them HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Aunt Tracy, Uncle Tim and Nathan! We love you guys and miss you!


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