Thursday, February 21, 2008

To Be or Not To Be In The P.T.A.

O.k. well, I have been pressured for almost three years now to be on the P.T.A. board, and I have always said no, but I think I'm going to jump on that bandwagon. I know, I know, it probably sounds dumb, but if you understood what my kids' school was like, you would understand. If you are in the P.T.A., you don't have to have an excuse to be there. You just have an in, anytime you want it. I have been asked to be president, vice president, and treasurer (they obviously don't know how bad I stink at math!), and while I am saying no to all those, I think I'm going to take over the Accelerated Reader position. I have a friend who is in charge of it now, and she is awesome at it, and she's agreed to be a "co chair" with me. As long as she is there to help answer all my questions, I'll do it.

Let's face it, I'm going to have lots of time next year, so what better way to spend it, than at their school? I am making a promise to myself now, though, that while I will do this, I will not let this be my life. God and family will always come first, and if this takes away from either, I will humbly step down. As long as I remember that, I think all will be o.k.

Why do I always make such a huge deal out of decisions? I don't know if I'm being cautious, or paranoid. I don't know that either is good. I guess I don't want to bite off more than I can chew, and I do take things very seriously. Hmmmm, I will have to think about this one.

While vacuuming earlier, I got to thinking that while I do like the school we're at, I don't agree with all the things the principal does. And the P.T.A. out here helps her make lots of decisions. We're the ones that raise all the money for the school, and we're the ones that get to figure out where all that money goes. I guess it is a great way to be involved, and to really know what's going on all the time. Plus, I will get to know the principal better, which could never hurt anything.

Do you hear me trying to talk myself into this? Crazy, huh? I just swore I would never do this because up till this next year, all the P.T.A. board has been really snooty. I don't have a use in my life for snooty people. I will be the first to admit all my flaws, and if you know me at all, you will soon find out for yourself! I would hate for someone to think that of me. But maybe this can be the year it all changes. Opinions, anyone? I will gladly listen to what you have to say!!

~~ =)


  1. You go for it girl! You are good at everything you put your hands to and I know from past (way past) experience that being on the board does give you information and say so that just everyone doesn't get. I'll back you up all the way!!!!

  2. You will be awesome at that! Maybe that board needs someone to bring them down to earth a little more. Then people won't think their so snooty. I think you have all the abilities and qualities needed to do the P.T.A. job. I don't blame you for always wanting to be at the school either. I know I'm at Nathan's school at least 2x a week. I'm probably the only parent who says "thanks for asking me to help." We have to be involved in our kids lives!

    I love ya, and I'll say a prayer that you find peace in your decision making process.


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