Thursday, February 21, 2008

Noah's Scary Story

Well, Noah scared the daylights out of me this afternoon! I went to pick up the boys from Sunny's house after I picked Graham and Drew up from school today. They were outside playing in her backyard, when Graham comes running in, saying, "Noah's hurt!" He slammed the door and ran back out. I looked up, and saw Noah walking across her backyard with blood gushing from his nose. Have you EVER seen your child walking with blood pouring out from somewhere on his body?!?!?!?! It is not something I EVER care to see again!

I jumped up, and was searching for her paper towels (most people keep them by the sink, not so for Sunshine). She had beaten me out the door, having just grabbed a white and red kitchen towel. ( I guess she's used to these sorts of events.) By the time I made it out there, blood was coming from his nose and his mouth. I actually thought he'd broken it. The bridge of his nose was pretty swollen. Come to find out, he bumped really hard into Andy's head. Anyway, being the nurse she is, she'd stopped the bleeding in no time, knowing exactly what to do ( I know, Mom, I did watch, and yes the next time I too will know what to do! :)), and examined him. It was not broken, but when he cries, the bridge flattens out, giving the appearance of swelling. How was I to know he did that? It pays to have friends that are in the medical field.

After that, her dog nipped Graham in the mouth. I know, gross. He had a little bitty cut on his lip where Dixie got him. Ooh. I was trying to calm him down, and stooped over to tie his shoe, when I knocked him off balance. He started to fall backwards, and started flailing his arms all over the place, and knocked me in the nose. I saw stars. Literally. We came home after that. I didn't want Jonah or Drew decide they were going to try flying for the first time, or have something else disastrous happen. Plus, I was alone tonight, since Todd had a class tonight. Guess what his class talked about? How to stop bleeding noses. He should have been here to help me stop my nosebleed. I know, I know, what is wrong with us tonight?!?!?!

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