Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Monday!

We had the absolute BEST weekend! We had friends over Friday night, the same old ones, and my best friend from middle school and early high school, Mandy Cottrell, and her husband and kids came to Memphis this weekend. They're actually moving here at the end of March, and it is so exciting getting to see her and getting to know her again. She looks exactly the same, just more mature! We used to have so much fun together as young teenagers, and I can't wait to see where life takes us now that we're older. Her husband, David, got transferred here for his job, and they have 2 kids...Hailey age 12, and Eli age 9. Graham and Drew already love him...they even came up with a secret handshake! Kids are so cute!
We spent yesterday at church, which was awesome, and it was such a gorgeous day, that we came home and cleaned out the garage!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME!!!! I believe that whoever said, "cleanliness is next to Godliness", hit the nail on the head! It is wonderful pulling into a clean garage! My awesome hubby put together this really cool bike rack for the kids to put their bikes on, and we swept all the leaves out, and organized it. We even got rid of some toys! I have a trunk full of stuff that needs to go to Goodwill.
Spring fever has hit me, and I am going around today de~cluttering my house. I figure since I'm going to donate stuff to Goodwill, I might as well make my trip worth it! I am putting everything back in order from the weekend, and after that, me and the laundry room have a date. You should see the mountain of laundry I have waiting for me! Oh, and did I mention that Andy even got a bath this weekend?!?! It's funny when you ask for the dog to be bathed, and you get ignored, but when your kids ask for the dog to get bathed, guess what you get to do?!?! Bathe the dog! Just jokin', he wasn't really that dirty. He did smell a little, though, but I haven't asked to bathe him.
Well, happy Monday to all, hope this brightens your day if you need it, if you live in this area. It's gorgeous outside! Too bad it's so cold....

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