Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I had a meeting at Collierville Elementary School today about Graham. At the end of second grade, all the students go through a series of tests, sort of placement tests, I guess, to see where they are scholastically. Graham tested off the charts at the end of last year, and was recommended for further testing. He's been going through these tests since September, and just took the last part back in January. So, today's meeting was about the results.

I have been talking to Graham this whole time about how he felt about having to go through all this, and told him at any time he wanted to stop, I would send a letter to school. Needless to say, that never happened. I also asked him about the work load if he got put into advanced classes, and he wants that, as well.

O.k., well, the results today were as follows: his i.q. is 130. He had to score a total of 50 points to be considered for APEX, and he scored 80. Also, at the end of last year, they upped the requirements of APEX, making it harder to get in. Todd and I laughed at this next part; the only thing that needed improvement was his ability to relinquish the leadership position. That's where being the oldest of 4 boys comes into play. His teacher, Mrs. Plummer, explained that this was because he's used to being one of the smartest kids in his class. She did say, too, that this could be a good thing, that that meant he probably would not easily succumb to peer pressure when he gets older. We all (Todd, Mrs. Plummer, the vice principal, Mrs. Harris, and the APEX teacher, Mrs. Killough and I) agreed that this was normal for oldest children.

I am so proud of all that he has accomplished this year! He has had A LOT of responsibility, and he's proved that he thrives in that type of setting. I am also really excited for him to start APEX! It's going to be lots of fun for him. He will have work that is 2 grade levels above him, so he will not be bored. He will be writing lots, and learning to work independently. He's going to LOVE it!!

Alright, I will be quiet now. Love to all!


  1. tell Graham he rocks and we love him so much! we've always said he was a genius!

  2. I am so proud I could just bust! Congratulations buddy! You really do take after your Uncle Tim (I love you Todd)!


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