Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bible study

I am doing a Bible study at church, the new Beth Moore one entitled, Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent. The Psalms of Ascent is a title I've always seen when reading in the upper Psalms, but one I never knew the meaning of. The Psalms of Ascent are Psalm 120~134, and these were actually sung by the Israelites while making the pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Feasts they went to three times a year. They are short in length so they could be easily memorized.

Something that Beth hammers in, is that we should ALWAYS be on a pilgrimage to get closer to God. We should never be content to stay where we are, but should always journey to get closer to Him. I never realized how many times the word "pilgrim", or "pilgrimage" was in the Bible. And I'm only on Week Four!

One thing that she also says a lot, is that in God's economy, the only way up is down. She challenged us at the beginning of this study to start everyday in prayer, not on our knees, but facedown on the floor. I must admit, that when she said this, I thought she was crazy. I figured on my knees was good enough. But I tried it, and you know what? She was right! I can't always get completely down, on my face, because of where I may be at the time, but when you take on that posture, you become very humble, and the things you start talking to God about are unbelievable! I have moved beyond the simple "Bless my family, protect us, keep us safe and healthy" prayers into deep, heartfelt times of worship and pleading with Him. I love this verse:

Joshua 5:14b Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, "What message does my Lord have for His servant?"

God does speak when you're on that level! He does anytime you wait long enough, and be still long enough, but how much clearer you hear Him when on that level! Nothing is there to distract you (except little ones running in and asking with alarm in their voice, "Mom? Are you okay?!?!", when they see you like that!), nothing is there to look around at, it's just you and God. I challenge anyone reading this to try it. See what happens. If you physically cannot do it, your knees will do. I did start shutting my door when doing this. There's no need for me to scare Jonah and Noah. I do ask them to play quietly while Mommy has her alone time.

This week's study is good so far, but last week was awesome! She talked about really listening to the worship songs we sing. And to sing them as if God is in the front row, watching us enter into praise. I did the last day's homework while working in the health room at Coll. Elementary, and at one point, I actually said in a not too quiet voice, "hallelujah!" I'm sure that really confirms that yes, I definitely am loony. The lesson was about the enemy, and how he is very real and fights for us every second of everyday. But instead of dwelling on him, dwelling instead, on God's mercy, and what all He's saved us from. Or what all He's carried us through when we couldn't walk on our own two feet. I just about danced when I got to that part. God is good, isn't He?!?!?!

Gotta go pick up the kids.....more later =)

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