Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Accidents, Ice Cream, and Raymon

I took Noah to the doctor...his ears are fine, but a little red, so Dr. Fesmire gave us a "just in case" prescription, which I love. After that we were all hungry, so I was heading to Wendy's for lunch. I was stopped at a redlight, and all of a sudden, my car lurched forward. Jonah or Noah, I don't know which one yelled out, "Whoa! What was that?!" The girl behind me had rear ended me! Not just a girl, but a nurse from the doctor's office I'd just left.

I got out to assess the damage, and thought something had been broken on my car, but turns out, absolutely NOTHING is wrong with my big, honkin' 'burban. I mean, I guess it'll take more than that to put a dent in that thing. I called the police, and once we determined that everyone was okay, we pulled into a parking lot, which just so happened to be right in front Baskin Robbins. The guy got all our info and turned to Jonah and Noah. He walked over to them, with his clipboard in hand, and asked them their names, ages, birthdates, where they had been seated, and were they buckled in properly. With excitement (or fear, maybe) in their eyes, they answered all the questions correctly, and replied "Yes Sir.", to the last questions. Thank You, Jesus, that they answered correctly! If ever there were a time for a child to tattle on a parent, now would not be it!

Jonah will be talking about this day for YEARS, probably. He has had enough excitement to at least last the rest of this month! Todd told me that when I leave church tomorrow night, to be prepared to answer a lot of questions. Thank you, Jonah.

After all was done, we headed on over to Baskin Robbins to have ice cream for lunch. Oh, and guess what our officer's name was? You guessed it from the title: Raymon. Same spelling and all. Now Jonah is REALLY excited! He'll be saying that he wants to be a police officer when he grows up!



    Hey Jenn! Baskin Robbins does make everything better!
    love ya,

  2. Raymon (Papaw) would be proud to know that Jonah is excited that someone else has his name.

    OK, so now, I want ice cream.



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