Saturday, January 12, 2008

I must say that I am glad this week is almost over. It's been good, don't get me wrong, but tonight, my patience is stretched thin. I've had an awesome day, I spent it in different the yard with the kids, talking with neighbors, with my Dad flying airplanes and trying to catch pop up's, and finally with my Mom and Bill. I think the ride home got to me. The kids were starting to argue (no! Imagine that!), and Graham and Drew were playing with the Ipods. Drew said he thought he could "text" on his, and proceeded to ask me if he could text all his friends, and Aunt Tracy. Yup, I'm telling the truth. Then he said the craziest most ABSURD thing a 7 year old going on 16 year old could say...he said, "I want an Iphone soooo bad!" I almost slammed the brakes on the 'burban. I then told him that he would be lucky to see a regular cell phone during his teenage years, much less an Iphone. I mean, give me a break. Crazy kid. I'm still reeling.
I love Sundays! There's a couple references to Sunday's that I is in a song called, It's Almost Sunday", and the other one is a quote from the latest Karen Kingsbury book that I just read. She wrote, "it only matters what you do between Sunday's". How true. My Dad once told me that church was a lot like a gas station. You went there often to fill your tank up, or you would run out. You would run out of steam, energy, that awesome feeling after a Spirit filled time of worship, everything. I always feel like I'm at my wit's end once Sunday rolls around. I pray every Sunday morning (my absolute FAVORITE time of week) that God will just clear out all that 'junk' that gets in my heart during the week. Sometimes that's anger, resentment, discouragement, helplessness, whatever it may be, and every time, He does just that. I'm in the choir, and often on the praise team that helps him lead, and unless I pray that, it does me no good at all to stand up there and sing. If I don't do that, the worship becomes about me, and it shouldn't be.
So, I hope anyone who reads this stops and ponders how you spend your Sundays. Whether it's at home, or with family, or whatever else, God will meet you there. He doesn't stay cooped up in our sanctuaries, but is often found in kitchens, in cars, or in the gentle whisper of a song or a book. Zephaniah 3:16 ..."do not fear, O Zion; do not let your hands hang limp. 17 The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

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