Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Life without kids

Well, I'm in day 2 of no husband or children. Yesterday was wonderful, because I was able to completely finish my to do list...I painted and cleaned and rearranged the downstairs. Today I am cleaning the upstairs. I never get to do the whole house at the same time, so it'll be nice to have it all clean at once! I am starting to get lonely, though, and man is it quiet! Almost too quiet.

I enjoyed my morning devotion...it'll never be too quiet for that. I was able to read through all my devo and Bible scriptures UNINTERRUPTED! What a treat!

Well, I'm off to clean out litter boxes and animal cages....more tomorrow or when inspiration hits.

1 comment:

  1. It was fun going back and reading your first post. Life has definitely changed. I wrote my first post in September 2008, I think. So you've been at it longer than me, for sure!


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