Happy Friday, friends! I totally meant to publish a blog post yesterday, but the day got away from me and I had Wednesday night plans; my life feels full and busy right now, so don't be alarmed when you see me skip a day of blogging. Everything is well, I assure you; I'm out enjoying life to the full. I have no idea when days like that will strike, so I just wanted to mention it here this morning. Also, I have some more life changes coming up after the summer, so my life will be even busier then. Stay tuned until the end to find out what's up with me lately!
Meanwhile, here are some favorites of mine from this week.
This was my favorite meme that I saw this week! My best friend sent me this Sunday or Monday, and it pretty much sums me up as a person. As I've been saying lately, I'm just here to make everyone else feel great about their lives! 🤣
Another favorite perk of my job is meeting new friends, like sweet Andrew. He comes into the bookstore each and every week, and he's one of my weekly highlights. He's the nicest and most joyful person I've ever met; he inspires me every single time I talk to him! As a whole, the world could take a lesson from this dear man.
I had such a jam packed weekend last week that I forgot to take my vitamins and anti-inflammatory before I left and was super sore from that, so I sat outside in the lobby for church on Sunday instead of going into the sanctuary! It's not necessarily a favorite of mine to sit out there, but I'm always grateful for that as an option on the days when I don't feel good or am really late (from working in the bookstore), or sore like I was last weekend. I had a friend who sat out there with me during the service; it's always nice to have company!
Sourdough day is always a favorite! I sent one of the loaves home with my friend Teresa when she left Sunday.
Going to Mom's with windows down and music blaring was a favorite this week! Does anyone else think that's therapeutic? I was so tired that day, and this revived me for the rest of the evening. I did the same thing going back home, but I had the heat turned up to high in my car!
Being at Mom's was a favorite! I love how her mantel is decorated, and I loved watching Gilmore Girls while I was there.
Any meal I don't have to cook is always a favorite! This one that Bill made was exceptional.
Speaking of my dad being exceptional, so is his handiwork on this new screened in back porch! And yes, I refer to Bill as my dad now all the time; he's stepped up in my life in a big way since Dad died last summer. I'm grateful for his love and support and fierce dad-like tendencies. I assure you, nobody wants to mess with any of his girls!
Sunsets always have been and will always be a favorite!
Wearing this blue dress on Tuesday was a favorite!
And changing into something more conducive for walking was also a favorite!
Another beautiful day, another moment of time in the car with the windows down and the music turned way up!
I went to Mare's for dinner Tuesday night! We had cauliflower crust pizza, and then we went on a walk in her very hilly neighborhood. It was so much fun and it felt amazing outside!
Color is my favorite, and so was visiting The Dixon Art Gallery in Memphis to walk through their stunning tulips! I'm so glad Marilyn was up for this; anytime with her is always a favorite!
Perspective reminders are always a favorite for me!
And so was yesterday at work; I got to help out with preparations for a big event coming up for the kids in our town, and work bestie came to eat her lunch with me when she got back from running an errand and picking it up. We sat and listened to music for thirty minutes, and I then I sat and worked on this blog when she went back to her desk. I'm always grateful for fun times, laughter, and the gift of friendship! This was me taking my coffee into work with me yesterday and sending this picture to a friend of mine.
(I saved the best for last.)

I decided after 28 and a half years, that it was time to unbreak the sealed up wedding dress I wore on October 4th, 1996. My divorce will be fully official next week, friends, and you'll never guess what I'm going to do to celebrate opening up a new chapter in my life. I'm going to burn my dress in a bonfire! I'm going to keep part of the train and beadwork as a memory, but the rest of it will be lit on fire. I am pretty sure people may think I'm delusional, but I want to do this, and it'd either be given away to Goodwill or I could try to sell it (but nobody would want to buy this). Not only did I open the boxes containing the dress, I tried it on, and it still (mostly) fit! I wish you could have heard me laughing hysterically over this; I literally cried I laughed so hard at myself. I really am fine, I promise, and I felt like it was a joyous occasion worth mentioning here; I even sent this picture of me in the dress to Todd and he joined me in laughing. I'm glad we can laugh together, even if it feels a little darkly humorous to do so; I'm just glad to be laughing instead of crying!
And onto my life update, one more time within a year: I gave my official notice at work this week. My last week here will be at the end of June, and I'll be going to work full time in the Collierville Schools. There's a teaching assistant position opening up, and I'm 95% sure that it'll be mine; I've been in touch with the principal already and I'll be returning to the school I was at in 2023! I'm beyond excited at having a school schedule, for full time work, and for summers and holidays off (and paid)! I'll make more money at this job than I do right now at my church, even with full time hours, the pay still wouldn't be enough for me as a newly single woman. I had to take a step out in faith now so they can start praying about finding my replacement and so that I'll have lots of time to train her; it'll take a hot minute, because my job is a big one and there's a lot of moving parts!
I hope you're not sad for me when you read this, but life will begin to look different yet again. I'm excited for the upcoming change, and for being able to be back in a fun and fast paced environment! I feel like God provided me this opportunity two years ago when he led me to the schools again to begin with; I formed friendships and connections there that are still strong today, and that's why I've been able to be in contact with the principal. Those are my people, and if I can't be at my church, I'd rather be there! This will also afford me the chance to get back into choir and singing again, and I'm grateful for that. I hope this makes you smile like it has me this week!
What was a favorite of yours this week? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. I hope you have the very best weekend; love to all!
Jenn 🩷❤️